Use these top tips to help you and your family stay healthy and well this winter!
Stop the spread of viruses
Viruses like flu and COVID-19 can spread easily through surface contact. Germs from coughs and sneezes can survive on hands and surfaces for up to 24 hours. Following good infection prevention practice will help to reduce your risk of catching and spreading serious illnesses.
Wash your hands with warm, soapy water
Cover coughs and sneezes, and use tissues to "catch it, kill it, bin it"
Keep households clean by wiping down surfaces, door handles and cups if someone in your house is ill
Stay home if you're sick
Keep up to date with your vaccinations
Boost your immunity
Keep warm
Keeping warm over the winter months can help to prevent colds, flu and more serious health problems such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression.
Look in on vulnerable neighbours and relatives
Older neighbours, friends and family members, may need some extra help over the winter. Drop in and check they have enough food supplies, ask if they need any practical help or if they're feeling unwell, ensure they have the medications they need over the holiday period and generally be of any assistance where you can.
Get moving
Regular exercise can help to make your body warmer, and ensure you are getting some movement in your day. Don't sit down for long period of time, do some simple stretches or a short walk between time spent being inactive. There are many activities you could do at home, such as walking up and down stairs, dancing, gardening, housework, or taking part in online fitness classes. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as it’s something you enjoy and keeps you moving!
Stay well-stocked with medicines and food
Make sure your medicine cabinet has the essentials like painkillers and cold and flu remedies to keep you going through winter, as well as making sure you have food supplies for a few days should you be unable to leave the house.
Make sure you get any prescription medicines before your pharmacy or GP practice closes for the bank holidays. Order any repeat medications through the NHS App and get sent direct to your nominated pharmacy.
Eat well
Food is a vital source of energy and it helps to keep your body warm. Have plenty of hot food and drinks throughout the day. Try to include 5 daily portions of fruit and vegetables, this can be fresh or tinned. Ensure you have stocked up on enough food to avoid having to go shopping when cold and icy.